History: This small bowel lesion was strongly reactive with S100 protein but not keratins. What is your diagnosis?
Comment: This nice small bowel nerve sheath tumor conforms well to "reticular schwannoma" of the GIT; we had earlier termed them as benign epithelioid nerve sheath tumor of the mucosa - the initial series of lesions that we saw were all mucosal based. Regardless of the involved layer, these lesions are benign but can mimic carcinoma on frozen sections.
Case was provided Dr. Elizabeth Montgomery, Editor-In-Chief of the Pathology Survival Guides at Innovative Science Press, and Professor of Pathology and Vice Chair of Anatomic Pathology at the University of Miami. Her Survival Guides to Gastrointestinal and Soft Tissue Pathology will soon be out of stock! You can order them at: