At Innovative Science Press, we believe that all physicians deserve access to quality and affordable medical training in order to help their patients. For this reason, our books are written by some of the most prominent in the field and are reasonably priced. We partnered with Malpighi Academy of Pathology to distribute our books at highly discounted prices to residents and fellows in Europe. We have donated to several hospitals in need in South America, Sri Lanka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nigeria. These initiatives are ongoing.
We sent donations to UNICEF to assist the families of the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. We donated free meals to homebound COVID 19 positive patients and immunocompromised seniors through the Arlington Food Assistance Center in Arlington, Virginia, and through the Prince George's County Food Equity Council, in Prince George’s County, Maryland.
We are also partnering with Amnesty International to produce and disseminate brochures and pamphlets to increase women's awareness of maternal health in developing countries. Current initiatives include Europe and Latin America. We joined efforts to help Amnesty Research Teams expose women's rights abuses in the U.S., Saudi Arabia, India, Sri Lanka, Oman, Jordan, South Korea, Egypt, Marocco and Qatar by donating to funding vital activism and campaigns to ensuring justice and equality.