The microphotograph shows a deeply-infiltrating high-grade malignant tumor composed of solid nests with extensive central acantholysis, simulating glands. Lumina are filled with keratin, necrotic debris and micro abscesses. The presence of intracytoplasmic empty vacuoles, either in single cells or adopting a collaret configuration, is noted.
This case is provided by Prof. Dr. Alcides Chaux, an author of the Survival Guide to Testis and Penis.
Cunha IW, Guimaraes GC, Soares F, Velazquez E, Torres JJ, Chaux A, et al. Pseudoglandular (adenoid, acantholytic) penile squamous cell carcinoma: A clinicopathologic and outcome study of 7 patients. Am J Surg Pathol. 2009 Apr;33(4):551–5. Available from: