History:A 56 year old woman presented with a superficial 2 cm mass just under her skin. What is your diagnosis?
Answer: This is a hemangioma from the trunk of an adult. It is a variant of anastomosing hemangioma termed Thrombotic Hemangioma With Organizing/Anastomosing Features.
Comment: This degree of sub-classification has no impact on outcome (this is a benign lesion), but is a construct to avoid over-diagnosis as angiosarcoma.
This case was provided by Dr. Elizabeth Montgomery, Editor-In-Chief of the Pathology Survival Guides at Innovative Science Press, and Professor of Pathology and Vice Chair of Anatomic Pathology at the University of Miami. She is also the author of the Survival Guides to Gastrointestinal and Soft Tissue Pathology. More info at: www.innovativesciencepress.com